Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting ripped!

So there's this cartoon channel I let the kids watch occasionally.  You know the kind...ALL cartoons ALL the time.  Well I turn in on around 7am when they get up and it doesn't go off until bedtime.  Ok, I'm totally kidding.  (What kind of mom do you think I am?)  But it does come in handy sometimes around 4:30 when I'm trying to make dinner and need them out of the road.  Only drawback to this little activity?  Infomercials.  So the other day a package came for my totally fit and awesome husband (love you honey!!).  He ordered this pull-up bar that fits in the door jam.  We opened the box before he got home and here's the conversation that followed:

Sarah: WHOA Mom!  Does Dad want to get ripped!!
Abbey: Why does Dad want to get ripped?
Sarah: I don't know.  Maybe so he can pick up cows with one finger?

Well of course!  Isn't that why we all want to get ripped?  I hadn't thought of that one.  And in case you're wondering: yes, I did try it.  My current record is...not even one.  I hung there like a wet noodle.  Hey, just keepin' it real.


jenerekfamily said...

Love it!

The Titmi said...

Now you just need the ikea rings and you will have an indoor jungle gym too!

Tami said...

Let me guess, P90X? Apparently "everyone" is doing it. Someone in our home wants to get ripped, too, and just installed a pull-up bar this past weekend. And like you, I cannot even do one pull-up!

Nicole said...

Yep. I can't do pullups either. When I was in PE in high school and we had to do the fitness test? Wet noodle. Only I'd kick my feet really fast in hopes that somehow I might be propelled upward. Never worked.

Kirbell said...

Aaah, yeah! Love that the Dougals are getting ripped!

Cherie said...

I think I've actually seen that device on an infomercial recently!

Lana said...

My husband ordered one of those too - years ago... he can do 3 sets of 13 pull-ups... But as for me, after trying several times, I'm still like you - hanging there... counting the seconds that I can even just hang there - as if that counts for something.

Trixie said...

I can't do a single pull up. Once I'm up, I can hang there forever, but I can't get up there without a little push. Probably couldn't even do that now.

Amy G. said...

my nephew has one of those. not a one for me either. and i have to say, if trixie can't get herself up, then there's no hope for any of us ladies :)