Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Smooth 9.35HR Treadmill

We're getting one of these.  See that picture?  That girl jogging?  Well that's me.  Don't my buns look great?  Did I mention I'm on medication?  I'm kidding.  Although there are days....  

In my desperate and slightly chubby state, my husband purchased one of these to keep me from losing my mind completely.  I know exercise is good for me.  I believe in it, I just can't seem to take it to the next level and actually do it regularly.  And so, please wish me luck.  Pray that I develop a severe allergy to sugar, cheese, and all things good.  And maybe, just maybe, in a year my buns really will look like her's.   


The Birches said...

Good luck Niki!!! Dustin and I have been going to the gym... AT 6AM! It's so hard but it will be worth it in 10 years! hahahaha

Leah Miller said...

We have one of those...we hang our clothes on it.

Niki said...

Now THAT'S encouraging. :}

Lana said...

I'm so jealous... about the treadmill and the fact that your buns will look like hers by next year!

Emily said...

Good luck! My treadmill got me running after Eric, #4, and got me to the point where I could have even more success with a friend in the early hours. You can do it, just don't do if for the buns. Unfortunately, it doesn't always turn out that way! But enjoy the increased energy and being able to chase the kiddos around!