Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I've got a whole lot of NOTHIN to blog about

But I need to post so my sister doesn't scold !  Just kiddin Cheri.  You know I love you more n' my luggage!  Grandma Cookies gave me some great photography tips this past week and I've been regularly harassing friends at our weekly park day.   Here are a few of my favorites.
Seriously, what is it about beautiful children?  I try to take picture of other things and I just can't do it And then I dream about what I could do with these pictures  if I had photoshop.  Which I don't have. Because you can do really cool things with photoshop.  Which, did I mention, I don't have?  And wish I did?  Oh..sorry bout that.  Movin on....  Anyway, enjoy the pictures.  These children are glorious!


Mormishmom said...

I think I want to hire you to photograph my kids :)

Nicole said...

I love these Niki! If you can pull that off without know your stuff!