The "terrible two's" have this bad reputation. I've never really understood that. Two is delightful! It's pudgy fingers and round little bellies. Silly words and sloppy kisses. I absolutely adore two! It's the three's that send me running through the streets raving like a lunatic. They turn my hair grey and raise my blood pressure. They teach me patience. The kind I probably need but don't remember ever asking for. Sometime after their third birthday they wake up looking like this.
I'm with you. I'll take twos over threes ANY day of the week.
I miss the twos. Hurry up fours!
I've got my own three-year-old right now so I know exactly what you're talking about!
I totally agree. No one told me about this until one day I was at a playgroup with my oldest when she was 3. One of the older, more experienced moms said with a smirk, "So how are you liking three?" Then I realized the the terrible twos are misnamed. All that time I had thought it was just my daughter.
I can't wait until my current 3 yo turns 4. He looks just like yours most of the time. And I know he's a sweetheart underneath it all. . .
Oh great, just when Karlie is about to turn 3 and we thought all of our problems would be solved, you go and throw a reality check on us. Do you want another girl, say from Aug 24 2009 to Aug 24 2010?
Um...we are totally there! Apparently, Esther spent quite some time in time out in nursery today...
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