Tuesday, November 11, 2008


After reading Governor Schwarzenegger's (dang..I  just had to google that for the spelling!) comment about prop 8 yesterday, I felt so discouraged!!  After all that time and effort put into protecting traditional marriage, I have a feeling it's only a matter of time before gay marriage is legal.  If prop 8 is overturned that tells me our state is not governed by the voice of the people.  A very frightening realization with even more frightening repercussions.  Honestly, it's been a struggle to keep my spirits up and to have hope in the face of such hatred and contention.  There are times when the weight of it feels nearly suffocating.  And then this morning I listened to a talk by Elder Uchtdorf.  I was reminded of the power and beauty of hope.  What a glorious gift!!  I couldn't possible talk about hope as eloquently and thoroughly as he did so I won't even try.  Suffice it to say that hope allows us to experience great joy even in the face of tribulation.  It strengthens our faith and increases our charity.  I have never doubted the final outcome of this battle, but this morning I was reminded that even when we experience small defeats, all things work together for our good.  John 14:27.  Peace..peace.  Now I can go on with my day.

1 comment:

Heather B said...

I am so sorry, Niki. Have hope, and keep the faith. What else can we do? Check out Isaiah 41:10--it always helps me when I'm feeling low. Take care.