Monday, May 9, 2011

a sleepless night

Every now and then we have one of those nights. You know the kind.. one has a bad dream, another wets the bed, and the last just wants his mommy in the middle of the night. This morning, with my eyes aching for want of sleep, I happened upon this lady's profile on Funny how one person's story can change your whole perspective.
She talked about an orphanage in Bulgaria and the children she's met there. Just the thought of those little ones with no one to comfort them in the middle of the night, no one to rock them or sing them back to sleep, was heart wrenching! I wanted be their mommy. All 2000 of them.
It also made me grateful. Grateful I get to do that for my children and grateful my children have someone to do that for them. Life is good. Motherhood is awesome!! That said, my bed is going to feel so, so good tonight!

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