I just looked over at my son. He's laughing and, well...chortling for lack of a better word. Adorable, except for the goldfish cracker sticking out of each nostril. And it all comes rushing back! This weekend. My in-laws (with lovely manners I might add). They were here for oh, ten minutes, when Sarah proceeded to show them her newly acquired skill. Armpit farting. Please excuse the uncouth term, but I don't know what else to call it. And I might add, this was also the first time I'd seen her attempt it. Then, an hour or so later during dinner, Tyler showed Gramma the nostril trick again. Only this time with a sizable piece of chicken nugget. I couldn't help it! I laughed my head off. It's the first time I'd seem him do it, and well...it was really funny! Ok, my bad. I shouldn't have laughed. Now he's doing it all the time. Moving on. A few minutes later, Abbey packs her cheeks with mashed potatoes and then of course, gags, and sprays them all over the place. I didn't laugh. I just thought, "Where did I go wrong?!!" I can honestly say manners are important to me. We try to encourage by word and example that good manners have value. So my question is, how the heck do you teach them? Please, please, say it gets easier as they get older. And I mean older as in twelve, not twenty five. I suppose if I fail entirely, I can always send them to my in-laws.
I really wonder if the kids just show off bad manners when we have guests or if they do it all the time but we only notice it when we have guests and are on the look out. My dad did not take so kindly to what we tolerated at the table.
Your house sounds so fun Nikki. Don't worry I'm sure your children have lovely manners when they are out an about. It's something about being at home that makes them feel like they can be little animals.
Honestly, your in laws probably had a good laugh. And I'm sure Brent had to learn his manners as a child too. And one of my children (I won't name them) ALWAYS manages to pass gas at the dinner table when we have guests.
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