Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The birthday grinch

We have a serious problem in our house when it comes to birthdays.  I'm just not very good at them.  Sure we have a family party: cake, singing, a few presents.  But if I throw a huge party one year, won't they expect that every year?  And if I do it for one child, do I have to do it for all four? Every year!!? That's way too much pressure.  I'll stick to the low key, low cost, family get togethers.  Although my feelings are quite clear on this matter, I  still feel mildly guilty about not writing the "see how my glorious children have grown?" posts.  So in my repentant state, I was going to write about Lauren's birthday. Until I realized I hadn't written squat about anyone else's.  So here's my birthday blog for the year.
Sarah turning seven
Abbey turning five
Lauren turning three
Tyler turning one
So there's my four awesome kids.  They are glorious aren't they?


The Titmi said...

Why Yes- They are cute!
No you don't have to do it every year- We do it every other if that

Amy G. said...

oh gorgeous! lauren's hair is so lucky girl!

The Barlow Family said...

They are GLORIOUS! What lucky kids you have to have such a GREAT mom. You're Awesome, and you have SUPER DUPER cute kids!

Deanna said...

Your children are gorgeous! Love you.

Diana and Jason said...


This definately qualifies as blog-stalking. I've been wondering where you guys ended up for years!
(It's're old room mate, by the way)
You're kids are adorable and I can't believe how great you and your sisters look! Seems like just yesterday....
Write me if and when you have the time,

I hope to hear from you soon!
