Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Brent's lonely birthday

After three days of dressing them up, hauling them to various parks, and great, GREAT coersion on my part, I finally got three pictures.   In our back yard.   Not in the parks.  Where I took approximately 4oo pictures trying to get the perfect shot.  Will I never learn to keep it simple?!  But here they are.  Brent celebrated his birthday all by himself this year because his wife and kids were off galavanting through Utah and Idaho.  So we left him something to remember us by. 


Cherie said...

What a cute idea. It turned out awesome. Which reminds me, Seth is leaving me this year on my Birthday. Going to Orlando . . . bummer.

Heather B said...

What fabulous photos, and what gorgeous, grown-up kids! No fair for them to change! I hope he had a great birthday, and that he appreciated all that hard work you did! Take care.